Sunday, August 4, 2013

Moments in Leadership

Well, the time is almost here!
Time to start another Awana year!

Sorry, I really didn’t intend for that to rhyme. It’s August and my email inbox is exploding with AWANA messages and reminders, and my calendar is quickly filling up with deadlines and trainings.

 It’s definitely an exciting time, and I love it because of the possibilities.  “What cool things are we going to do this year?”  “How many kids will we reach, and better yet, how many salvations will we have the privilege of seeing?”   

These are all great questions to sit and ponder…but then, in the background, there are other questions?  “Will we have enough volunteers this year, because last year was difficult with the few volunteers we had.”  Or  “Am I really ready to commit to another year and everything that means?” 

 I don’t know if I am the only one who experiences these conflicting questions, or even just experiences doubt every once in a while…but I definitely do!  I have heard various AWANA Leaders say that the enemy attacks the AWANA clubs because they are so successful for Christ.  I definitely believe this is true. I have a passion for AWANA, for Sparks Club in particular, but I have found it to be a difficult, and even frustrating sometimes.  

I am thankful, however, that in those moments…
those difficult or frustrating or 
doubtful moments, that the still small voice of the 
Holy Spirit speaks a little 
louder and reminds me of the truth.

Our AWANA club is doing some amazing things in the lives of the children of our community, and their families.  We are given an incredible opportunity every Wednesday night to talk about Jesus Christ and how he laid down his life for us, all of us!  We get to watch the kids’ faces as they hear bible stories, sometimes for the first time.  

We get to be a part of a greater plan for these kids’ lives…it’s incredible when you actually take the time to sit and think about it.  And so, as the new AWANA year is gearing up, I am reminded to slow down…take time to reflect and truly enjoy the amazing experience. 

    As AWANA club leaders, we get busy and are often tempted to treat our club activities and duties as just another thing on our already full calendar.  Life gets in the way, frustrations set in, and the enemy attacks! Believe me, he does. That’s why it is so important that we stay in the word and pray diligently.  

I’m suddenly reminded of something I recently heard a family member say, “Prayer is powerful, and it’s important!”  How incredibly true that is, but sadly, it’s usually one of the first items on our “To-Do” lists that get bumped. This year, my focus is on….well…staying focused!  I’m going to make my time in God’s word and prayer a priority so that I truly am prepared to serve. 

Lord, give me the strength, courage and 
wisdom to lead our Sparks this year.  
Without your help I am useless, 
but I am thankful that you never abandon me.  
You are faithful and compassionate, and I lay 
my fears and doubts about this AWANA year 
at your feet.  Be my guide Lord Jesus; 
show me how to serve with a soft 
and caring heart.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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