Monday, September 16, 2013

Moments in Leadership - Keeping Your Torch Lit

Our church emails out a daily devotional, and today's devotional included this quote:

"The Greeks had a race in their Olympic games that was unique.  The winner was not the runner who finished first.  
It was the runner who finished with his torch still lit.  
I want to run all the way with the flame of my torch 
still lit for Him."
J. Stowell

This quote communicates exactly how I fee about this AWANA year.  I don't want to just get through it, I want to go through this year with joy and a constant passion and motivation for teaching the Gospel of Christ to our Sparks clubbers.  I don't want to grow so weary with ministry work that I lose my saltiness or am tempted to hide my light.

If there is one thing I have learned in the little time I have spent in ministry, it is that ministry is hard; harder than you expect when you first dive in.  Getting prepared for an AWANA year is a lot of work.  You spend a great deal of time recruiting and training volunteers, promoting your club to the congregation and community, planning curriculum and activities, and gathering materials.  Not to mention all the work that has to be done weekly in order to prepare for club might games and lessons.  And now that I am three weeks into our AWANA year, I am definitely starting to feel all the work and time I have put into this over the last two months. 

I woke up today feeling sore and tired.  The sore muscles are probably just an indication of my age.  It's not as easy as it used to be to run around with a group of young kids at game time, or to continually squat down to get eye level with our clubbers throughout the night.  However, the overall tiredness is more likely just an indication that I need a rest.

I read in Isaiah today:
Don't you know?  Haven't you heard?  
The Eternal, the Everlasting God, the Creator of the whole world, 
never gets tired or weary?  His wisdom is beyond understanding.  
God strengthens the weary and gives vitality to those worn down by age and care.  Young people will get tired; strapping young men will stumble and fall.  But those who trust in the Eternal One will regain their strength.  They will soar on wings as eagles.  They will run - never winded, never weary.  They will walk - never tired, never faint. 
Isaiah 40:28-31 (The Voice Bible)

I am so incredibly thankful that in my weakness, there is God.  He never leaves me and is able to strengthen me and give me the spiritual nourishment I need to continue on the race with my flame still lit.  As AWANA Sparks Leaders, we don't serve for our glory, but for His.  And it is through Him alone that we are able to complete the work.  If we take our eyes off of this truth for even just a moment, we begin to feel the reality of our limitations and invite in feelings of weariness and discouragement and the attitudes that come along with it.  Ministry work may be hard at times, but it is amazing that even through this Jesus is showing us our need for Him everyday. 

Lord Jesus, I am so thankful that even in the little things that may seem so spiritually insignificant, such as a sore muscle, or a tired morning, we are reminded that even though our ministry work is important, we are first called to know and love you.  May it be through you alone that I seek strength and rest.  Show me Lord, where my life may be out of balance and allow your light to shine on those areas so that I can live a life more closely aligned with your will.  Forgive me, Jesus, for times that I have sought my own way or my own glory through this ministry and allow me to be humbled in the light of what can only be accomplished through your power and leading in the hearts of these boys and girls.  It is in Jesus' name that I pray these things, Amen. 


Unknown said...

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